
75 Days of Summer - Week 2

75 Days of Summer - Week 1

75 Days of Summer/Backyard Magic

Day 1 of 75.

Summer has arrived! While our move derailed my 75 Days of Summer project last year, I have decided to give it another go. Throughout this past year, I have begun work on a project I am calling "Backyard Magic" - we have a lovely yard and spend a lot of time in it, so it was either get inspired or put the camera away. We shall see what the summer brings. 

To kick it off, a small cheat - this afternoon in the sun preceded our first technical day of summer vacation by just a hair, but close enough. 

One {February 2017}

I haven't yet made it through our winter break photos, so yet again I find myself sharing from our back yard. When it's 70 degrees in February, why not make giant bubbles in the sun? This is one of my new favorite images.

Please head over to Texas to see Adele's One Shot this month. They will soon be saying adios to the Lone Star State, so I am curious to see what's capturing her heart during this sentimental and challenging time.