
75 Days of Summer - Days 6-8

75 Days of Summer. The project continues, and the posts continue to lag. Vacation photos are coming to an end which will greatly reduce the volume of these updates! Here, a look at our last few days in Puglia. 

75 Days of Summer - Days 2-5

We are so very lucky to have wonderful friends in our lives - and then in an unnecessary effort to become even MORE wonderful, one of them decided to rent a gorgeous villa in Puglia to celebrate a milestone birthday. This trip has been in the works for almost a year, and we wouldn't have missed it for the world. 

Our first few days were spent relaxing by the pool, swimming in the sea, investigating a nearby grotto and watching Italy in the Euro 2016 Cup.  

8 Days a Week - July

For this month's edition of Eight Days a Week, a few different views of the Ionian Sea. The camera escaped with only mild splashing. Please head over to the Pacific Northwest to see what the ever talented Meghann Prouse found this month.