
Photo 52: A Play on Light {26}

It is week 26 of Photo 52: A Play on Light and we are officially half way done! It is hard to believe that six months have passed since we embarked on this project. If you are new to the blog, my debut post explaining Photo 52 can be found here

​This is our first of four weeks exploring artificial light sources. And what could possibly be more artificial than the neon glow of Times Square? Processed for a little extra sense of commercialism and nary a natural light source to be found.

Please head on over to the East Side to see what my talented friend and fellow New Yorker Cheryl Sawyer found under the glow of something other than the sun. ​

Photo 52: A Play on Light {22}

For the next four weeks, Photo 52 will be focused on visualizing in black and white. I am a big fan of black and white imagery in general, but it takes some practice and focus to shoot specifically with the intent of converting to black and white. Not enough contrast and dimensional light and you end up with a very flat image. As I went out to shoot with this objective in mind, I was reminded that it is no small feat, especially under the grey skies of winter. Some of my favorites actually ended up being from indoor lighting. 

Please check out the rest of this week's amazing circle, starting with the lovely and talented Kim Dupree! Kim lives in Texas and specializes in seniors, but often has beautiful and unusual surprises up her sleeve when it comes to her weekly posts.