
P52.2 Framed {Week 27} - High Key

Merriam-Webster defines "composition" as "the way in which something is put together or arranged : the combination of parts or elements that make up something."

This month over at Who We Become, we are taking a step back from the more physical elements of our compositional study and focusing on other elements in the frame: creating mood. For week one, we are using high key lighting techniques to set the scene.

Examples of a high key technique can often be found in commercial work - bright images that have few mid-tones and even fewer shadows. Photographers may use this technique to create a sense of cheer or playfulness, or evoke feelings of youth. For my shots below, I think the brighter background and haziness of the light results in a dreamy effect and keeps the focus on my sweet subject enjoying a taste of Spring sunshine. 

Please click over to Who We Become to see everyone's images this week - the bright palate is striking.

Photo 52: A Play on Light {7}

Week seven of Photo 52. This week is the third in our month of backlight, and while my post is perhaps more personal than usual it partially explains my general absence from the blog and the camera. Our little guy just turned three, and his grandma just turned three plus a few, so the family has been in town to celebrate. ​We took a trip up to Storm King Art Center and enjoyed a beautiful afternoon filled with backlight, fun and love. 

Please continue around the blog circle to see what my very talented friend Lisa Rigazio has been up to this week. She has an amazing eye for texture and contrast, and uses it to bring a little edginess to her work, be it an urban scene or her two darling girls.​

Photo 52: A Play on Light {6}

Blinded by the light...

Week six of Photo 52, and week two of backlighting. I am taking a class at ICP with fellow blog circle participant Justine Knight and our assignment this week involved following a stranger and seeing where he or she led you. The images from this exercise generally range from bad to terrible since stalking is not something I have much experience with. 

At one point on my walk, as I tried to put a little distance between myself and my chosen subject, I noticed that after a week of bad timing, bad health and bad light, the sun was creating a beautiful fall glow through the just-turning trees. So I stopped for a moment, aimed my camera upward, then hustled off again so as not to lose my unsuspecting muse. 

Please continue around the blog circle and see what other amazing backlight my fellow participants have found. Next up is the lovely and talented Canadian component of our circle, Kennedy Tinsley.​