
The Weekender - February 4-5

It was the sad end of an era in our house this weekend. Our old neighborhood haunt, the west side Pony Bar, has officially closed its doors. And while there is an east side location, we've never been and it wouldn't be the same anyway. We've been going there since before kids, and then with kids, and with our family and friends and their kids...sigh. Tasty food, delicious brews and great memories. We got in for one last lunch, then took the kids down to the new-ish Whitney (since we never actually made it when we lived 9 blocks away). Their enthusiasm was less than infectious. 



Women's March on NYC - January 21, 2017

I don't have a crystal ball. I have no idea what the future will look like. But I do know that choices made by our leaders today will have a lasting impact on the world my children will inherit. When I am old and gray(er), will I have to tell them that we rolled the dice on the chance that, despite what science tells us, climate change isn't real and now they have to find a way to live with the consequences? Will I have to tell my daughter that I had more freedom and choice with respect to my body and health than she does? Will my children have to share in my current fear that people I love will continue to be treated as lesser in the eyes of the law or by society, because of their skin, or their faith, or their sexuality? Will I be able to look back and say, we cared enough not to gamble with your future?

I attended the Women's March in NYC today. To anyone who might question that decision: there is nothing more American than to publicly protest regarding issues that are important to me, even if (and especially if) they differ from the people in power. It is one of the greatest benefits of living here, and it is a right we share. It was joyful and powerful to feel solidarity with like-minded people and to truly use the freedom so many have fought for as it was intended. It was also cold, crowded and slow-moving - I am thrilled to have felt so safe among thousands in a very cramped space.

But today was just a day and will be of little consequence without massive follow-through.  And as for the future...the future will not belong to me. It will belong to our precious children. I will do my best to find a role in the long game in order to help shape the future into one that does right by them.

I didn't take many photos today, but here are a few of what I saw, some famous faces and some favorite signs.

75 Days of Summer - Days 18-25

We packed a few adventures into a short week at home, then I was off for a quick trip to L.A. to meet my new niece! 

75 Days of Summer - Days 13-17

Days 13-17. Back home and up to our regular routine. Sun, fun, books, friends and a date with mom where someone had a double dose of chocolate. 

8 Days a Week - May

On Mondays, we head up to our old neighborhood for piano lessons. The stroller and carrier are things of the past, because the lesson's spectator is "big" now and needs no help whatsoever. Except she will accept the occasional hand up the stairs from her favorite older brother. Notably, recent schedule changes have opened up an opportunity for a snack stop en route...

Please visit the rest of the 8 Days a Week collaborative, starting with the beautifully talented Meghann Prouse.  

Who We Become - May

"I wanna ride da scoodah hemmet! I speedy, Mommy! I speedy!" Love watching this little human tackle the world. 

Our collective Who We Become blog post can be seen here, and if you'd rather peruse some lovely photography bit by bit, I invite you to make your way around the blog circle, starting with my fellow city mama, the incredibly talented Julie Mak.   

8 Days a Week - April 2016

Last month, I kicked off a new collaborative project with a group of amazing photographers. Entitled 8 Days a Week, it's all about whatever we see, whenever we can see it. I don't have a particular theme in mind, but expect to share a little more of our everyday as the year progresses. Please continue on to the amazing Crystal Hardin to see her images this month. 

Below, a few snaps from a recent beautiful day we had, before our April Winter arrived. In the first, our scooter-obsessed Evel Knievel is distracted from her speedy ways by a dripping wall faucet. In the second, I promised them ice cream if only we could leave the scooters at home and enjoy a peaceful walk. Several blocks with big brother's hand was a close second to her 3-wheeled fun. 

One {March 2016}

It was hard to choose what to use for this month's One circle - we had a 2nd birthday and Easter Eggs and a lot of scooting...but this lovely Good Friday in Central Park resulted in my favorite photos. We brought the "cape and eyes" and wandered around enjoying the warm weather, eating ice cream, running at the speed of light and looking out for bad guys.  

Please head around to Texas to see what Adele has been up to this month - something amazing from her ski trip, perhaps? 

Two Heads are Better Than One

The dynamic duo at work and at play.

Photo Noir Exhibit at the PhotoPlace Gallery

A big thank you to juror Aline Smithson for selecting two of my images for inclusion in the Photo Noir exhibit at the PhotoPlace Gallery. I love to create images using dramatic, cinematic lighting, so it is a true honor to have a those efforts recognized among a pool of very talented artists. Such a wonderful way to kick off the year!  

Winter Storm Jonas

As you may have heard, the east coast got some snow this weekend. During the big blizzard of 2015, we had far more hype than actual snow. This year, the news cycle was focused on DC but we definitely got in on the action. The small, cold person demanding to be held put a damper on my photo fun, but here's a look at us vs. Snowmageddon 2016.

City Kids (I Gotcha!)

Post-circus adventures: when we went in it was raining, but in yet another afternoon of unseasonable weather, we were welcomed by clear skies and a warm breeze when we exited. The current favorite game in our house is called "I gotcha" - it entails our small one running at full speed towards someone, throwing herself into their arms, and yelling "I gotcha!"  Her favorite catcher is her older brother, and they played this all over the always-picturesque grounds at Lincoln Center yesterday. Kid overshare ahead:

Big Apple Circus

Hello, 2016! While I greet you with the best of intentions, I won't insult you by making a bunch of promises I can't keep. 

For example, I am sitting on a pile of holiday photos and should be putting them in albums for some VIGs (very important grandparents) but I couldn't resist looking at a batch of images I took this afternoon. Conveniently, I am attached to someone who likes to scout out fun adventures for our weekends, and this morning he woke up and suggested the circus. Not his most obscure effort, but the kids were enthralled. Although I hadn't set out to create a fully black and white set, the colors ended up distracting from beauty of the lights.

Thank you, Big Apple Circus, for a lovely January afternoon!